I was changing the front struts of my vehicle and came with the struts was a note that says using impact wrench to tighten the strut is not recommended. Anybody know why using impact wrench to tightening struts is not recommended? Thanks..
Why Impact Wrench Not Recommended For Tightening Struts?
Too much torque could run the studs and/or the threads.
Why Impact Wrench Not Recommended For Tightening Struts?
When you use an impact, you have no control over torque, and will probably overtighten or break the bolts.
it an break off your nutsif you get in a position trying to get more leverage.take them off or twist them too tight so you will always be uncomfortable about the results. when you hear a mechanic screamnig under acar it almost always is the impact wrench that got him.
A impact wrenchs foot pounds can be severely affected by the amount of air that is supplied to it. It can overtighten or undertighten. It is always best to use a torque wrench. Many times the parts house from which you bought the part will loan specialty wrenches such as torque wrenches.
because the center nut is self locking and if you try to put it on with an impact gun, the shaft will just spin and eventually heat up and ruin the seals in the strut. i used to be a mechanic and that was the warning that I got in one of the struts i bought. If you can get it tight and on the ground again youmay be able to sinch it tight with an impact but i wouldnt stay on it long. stop if the shaft spins. You can mark the shaft with permanent marker to see if it is spinning.