This is your Mother. Stop modifying that car!
I have a 98 mitsubishi mirage, what i want to know is can i change my struts myself without much trouble?
I'm not trying to modify it, i'm trying to have a smoother ride@ take care of the car. Mom your an idiot!
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I have a 98 mitsubishi mirage, what i want to know is can i change my struts myself without much trouble?
if you have the right tools and a good manual for the car and follow the instructions then you can do the job just fine
It's pretty easy, just get a Haynes shop manual(there the best). You will also need a set of good spring compressors. But, if your handy and can follow instructions, It's definitely a DIY project.
One tip, unless your upgrading to super expensive struts. Gabriel struts are much better than Monroe. Go to www. Hope this helps and good luck.
the easiest way is to remove the strut assemblies from the car/take them and new struts to your local tire store and have them change the springs over to your new struts-usually not very expensive and much safer than using spring compressor tools as they have wall mounted or freestanding spring compressors/you will need to have 4 wheel alignment done because removing and replacing struts will change your alignment settings