Friday, September 23, 2011

How do you change the gas struts for the rear hatch of a 1997 z28. What tools are required?

A thin bladed small scewdriver or pocket knife blade. First get something like a long 2X4 or stout broom stick or someone strong enough to hold hatch up while you take struts off one at a time. There is a half round clip at the top and bottom of each end of the strut. Get your little screwdriver blade or knife blade in where you can gently pry out on the clip, you do not have to remove them completely as you are holding clip out, give a sharp jerk near the end where the clip is, it should come undone, repeat the same on other end. To re-install just make sure the clip is centered in open end of new strut, place over the ball and whack with small mallet or butt of your hand. Your new strut may come with new clips on them, if so, get old clips off of old struts and save them. You cannot get them unless you buy new struts. Hope this works for you.Good Luck!