I need to replace the rear struts on my 1992 Lumina. Is this hard to do? I know my rear struts do not have the big spring. I looked and saw the large nut in the trunk where it attaches and it looks like three bolts down by the wheel. Do you have any tips or suggestions. I priced the struts at the parts store and they were like $54. I got a quote from a repair shop and they quoted $500. So you can clearly see why I would prefer to do this myself. I have changed things like water pumps, timing belts and brakes myself, so im not afraid to try anything. Any tips, help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
Changing the rear struts on my 1992 Chevy Lumina?
It is not a hard job. Support the car on jack stands, and have a floor jack so that you can lift the axle assembly to line up the strut! Do one side at a time and you should have no problems. The nuts are hard to remove, you will be better off if you have an impact wrench, but it can be done with a hand tools!
Changing the rear struts on my 1992 Chevy Lumina?
The McPherson strut comes out as a complete unit and you have to have a special spring compressor tool to remove and replace the inner shock cartridge. It can be dangerous if not done with proper equipment and training. I guess you could bring the struts in to a local shop and have them compress the spring and replace the cartridges. Then you could do the rest of the job yourself assuming you have floor jacks and jack stands or a lift. See what Pep Boys charges for the job
http://pepboysstorelocator.shoplocal.co >