Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The rear my car makes a strange noise when i go in a pot hole.?

i got the rear and front struts change but i can still hear the same noise. what else could it be because the auto shop cannot find anything else that makes the sound when they look under my car.
The rear my car makes a strange noise when i go in a pot hole.?
muffler hitting against the fame or the strut nut is lose.

just get under and start feeling around, you fine it
The rear my car makes a strange noise when i go in a pot hole.?
yea its either the muffer scraping or the strut nut is loose
Hey Alex . Maybe the pothole is just to deep and you are hitting the frame. Could try just avoiding the pothole all together and eliminate the chance of any noise showing up at all.
is ur muffler scraping the pavement?